IDIOT (HERE, 2016)

"The actor Daniel Kublick has a sweet otherness about him, and a sort of genius for seeming a little dim. Casting him as the prince is one of the smartest things about this sleekly designed immersive show."

- Laura Collins-Hughes, The New York Times

"Kublick is a giraffe in prince's clothing: he has the same hooded-yet-startled eyes and infinitely long neck, not to mention a hilarious way of moving that starts in his legs and then—much later— reaches his upper body. Dostoevsky thought of Myshkin, the titular idiot, as a pure soul, a good man whose generosity and candor made him unfit for Russian society. Kublick really seems to be that sweetly, nakedly, vulnerably dear."

- Helen Shaw, Time Out

"The quirkily handsome and charming Daniel Kublick is marvelous as Prince Myshkin. Mr. Kublick fully embraces the character’s goofiness and melancholy and his seizures are quite stunning. He winningly holds attention as the show’s centerpiece."

- Darryl Reilly,

"The casting of Kublick in the role of the Prince is a big part of what works in this production; he’s nicknamed “the idiot” precisely for his endearing naivety. His performance is warm, childlike, and captivating."

- Sarah Moore, Theatre Is Easy


"You do feel that without the talented Kublick as our deft narrator we might get lost; but as it is, we're held in the hands of a master. Kublick's great, which makes the show great. And this is why we go to thrillers: to feel competent hands giving our fearful hearts just…a tiny…squeeze."

- Helen Shaw, Time Out (Recommended Review)


"The five fine actors — Rachel Christopher, Susannah Flood, Dan Kublick, Jason Quarles and Moses Villarama — address the audience directly, conversationally, in searching monologues that intertwine. They shape-shift, with women playing men, men playing women, frequently more than one person playing the same character at the same time. It’s a cast without a weak link."

- Laura Collins-Hughes, The New York Times (Critic’s Pick)

"The cast of “The Sonic Life of a Giant Tortoise,” by Toshiki Okada introduced a new way of making theatre and performing. I can’t articulate it, but I think that’s the point: to experience it and to have the minimal script make you feel suspect about your own language."

- Hilton Als, The New Yorker (‘Good Moments’ Best of 2014 Theater Article)

TOM & ELIZA (JACK, 2016)

"Kublick is a study in nuance. His performance feels as if he stepped out of the front row, sat down next to Bent, and just started talking to us. He is magnetic and eerily relatable."

- Artem Yatsunov, Theatre Is Easy

"Daniel Kublick is incredibly charming, making Tom's blunders as a father and his frank descriptions of his sex endearing. Tom is a character that is constantly surprised by where his life has taken him, and each revelation falls across Kublick's face with wonder."

- Ryan Hudak, New York Theatre Review

"With no blocking to be had, this play needed to be sold through captivating storytelling. Thankfully Tom & Eliza employed two steady actors. Eliza Bent and Daniel Kublick dazzled as the titular pair. Kublick’s geeky persona made his anguish heartbreaking. The amount of trust between the duo kept the piece ticking."

- Michael Block, Theater in the Now


"The show’s cast of three is truly brilliant. Dan Kublick is a wild-eyed, unpredictable clown ... They’ll ask you what music you like, invite you to take online sex quizzes, and, if you’re lucky, Kublick may suck on your arm."

- Rachel Kerry, New York Theatre Review